Build Trading and Investing Models in Excel
Learn to design, code, construct and test Excel models that make money!
Excel Trading Models Design Process


FAQ: A fund that was near the bottom started to move up quickly — does that mean it’s a better Buy candidate? Should I wait for something nearer the bottom to make a move rather than buying funds that are already in the Top 3 by relative strength?

It is not a good idea to "bottom pick" by only buying funds that move up from the bottom rungs quickly. The purpose of the model is to direct you into long term trends in the strongest sectors. While a fund that is moving up quickly may be heading into a long term...

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FAQ: If Buy goes blank the next week, am I still in?

No -- if a Buy turns to blank, this means you should treat it as an Out signal in the sector fund model. This occurs when a fund with a Buy signal drops out of the Top 3. Since the model only allocates capital to the Top 3 funds by relative strength, this means that...

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