Build Trading and Investing Models in Excel
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Excel Trading Models Design Process


How to Calculate Spread Trading Contract Legs

When spread trading futures, stocks, ETFs or other securities, it is important to equalize the dollar value of each side of the spread. The short position in Security #1 should be offset as closely as possible by a long position in Security #2.  This series of case...

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Energy Futures Contract Specifications and Tick Values

Contract Underlying Exchange Ticker Symbol CCY Contract Multiplier Contract Unit Units Quoted Tick Size Anhydrous Fuel Ethanol BM&F ETN BRL 30 Cubic Meters BRL/Cubic Meter 0.5 Belgian Base Power EEX QBB EUR 1 MWh EUR/MWh 0.01 Brent Crude Oil IFEU B USD 1,000...

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Carbon CO2 Futures Contract Specifications and Tick Values

Futures contract specifications and tick values for the most liquid global carbon CO2 contracts. Contract Underlying Exchange Ticker Symbol CCY Contract Multiplier Contract Unit Units Quoted Tick Size European Carbon Units (EUA) EEX F2PE, F2EA, FEUA EUR 1,000 EUA...

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Real Estate Futures Contract Specifications and Tick Values

Futures contract specifications and tick values for the most liquid global real estate contracts. Contract Underlying Exchange Ticker Symbol CCY Contract Multiplier Contract Unit Units Quoted Tick Size Dow Jones US Real Estate Index CME RX USD 100 Index value points...

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